Our Values

Empathy and Compassion

We expect our team and affiliates to prioritise understanding and supporting the mental health needs of others. Be empathetic in all interactions and compassionate in promoting self-care and emotional well-being.

Integrity and Transparency

We expect our team and our affiliates to be honest, clear, and ethical in communication, partnerships, and marketing efforts. Build trust by providing accurate information about the products and services.

Empowerment and Encouragement

We expect our team and our affiliates to actively uplift and empower women and individuals, encouraging them to believe in their potential and worth. Celebrate their progress and successes as they grow.

Collaboration and Community

We expect our team and our affiliates to foster a sense of community by supporting fellow affiliates and customers. Embrace collaboration over competition, working together to create positive, lasting change.

Inclusivity and Diversity

 We welcome and respect people from all backgrounds. Promote an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered, regardless of gender, race, or background.

Authenticity and Vulnerability

We encourage real, authentic connections with the audience. We expect our team and our affiliates to be open and vulnerable in all connections.