Anti-Bullying Policy for Affiliate Programme

At EmpowHer Box, we are dedicated to fostering a supportive, inclusive, and empowering community. Our mission is to inspire individuals to prioritise their mental health and cultivate a positive mindset. As part of this commitment, we have established this Anti-Bullying Policy to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all members of our affiliate programme.

Policy Statement

EmpowHer Box does not tolerate bullying in any form. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal, physical, emotional, or cyberbullying. Our affiliates are expected to uphold our values of empathy, compassion, integrity, and respect in all interactions, both online and offline.


- Bullying: Any intentional and repeated aggressive behaviour that involves an imbalance of power, whether physical, verbal, or emotional, that causes harm or distress to another individual.

-  Cyberbullying: Bullying that occurs through digital platforms, including social media, emails, and messaging apps.


This policy applies to all affiliates of EmpowHer Box, including their interactions with one another, customers, and the broader community.

Expectations for Affiliates

1. Promote Positive Communication: Affiliates are encouraged to communicate with kindness and respect. Constructive feedback is welcomed, but it should always be delivered in a supportive manner.

2. Report Incidents: Any affiliate who witnesses or experiences bullying is encouraged to report the incident to EmpowHer Box management. Reports can be made confidentially and will be taken seriously.

3. Support Each Other: Foster a culture of support and encouragement. Celebrate the successes of fellow affiliates and offer help when needed.

4. Model Inclusivity: Be mindful of language and behaviour that may exclude or marginalise others. Strive to create an environment where all individuals feel welcomed and valued.

Reporting and Investigation

1. Reporting Process: Affiliates can report bullying incidents via email. All reports will be handled with confidentiality and sensitivity.

2. Investigation: EmpowHer Box will investigate all reported incidents promptly and fairly. This may involve speaking with the individuals involved and any witnesses.

3. Consequences: Depending on the severity of the bullying, consequences may range from a warning to removal from the affiliate programme. The goal is to educate and rehabilitate rather than punish, when appropriate.

Support for Affected Individuals

EmpowHer Box is committed to providing support to those affected by bullying. We encourage affiliates to utilise our resources, including mental health tools and community support channels, to help manage the emotional impact of bullying.


At EmpowHer Box, we believe that fostering a positive and empowering environment is crucial to achieving our mission. By adhering to this Anti-Bullying Policy, our affiliates contribute to a culture of respect and inclusivity, helping everyone feel valued and supported. Together, we can create a thriving community that uplifts and empowers all individuals.

For any questions regarding this policy, please contact

Thank you for being a part of EmpowHer Box and for helping us create a positive impact in the lives of others!

© Copyright EMPOWHER BOX 2024